There are many different types of blog posts. A list blog post simply orders items in a list. It can also be known as a listicle post. It is the very first type of blog post that I wrote and is certainly a good way to get writing for beginners. In this guide, I will […]
Blogger Creations
Choosing a Blog Title: Must-Know Tips
Ten Tips for Choosing the Right Blog Title I believe that the main purpose of a blog is to grow your audience and help them find valuable information. The title of your blog is the one thing that will be used to promote it. It needs to convey the content and what it offers and […]
Five Golden Rules of Blogging
1. Write for Your Blog Audience Your blog audience is the number one priority. Know who they are and what they want. You should also be aware of other aspects, such as: Know your target audience’s goals. Know the competition. Write about topics and keywords your target audience is interested in. Invest time in guest […]
The 4 Most Common Blogging Mistakes That We All Make But Need to Avoid
Mistake 1: Not Planning Ahead Enough When content creators do not plan ahead enough they can get into a situation where they do not have any new ideas. Forced posts can lead to the content becoming stale and boring. The key to avoiding this problem is to always be prepared for when the next project […]
How to Find Your Blog Niche
Finding your blog niche can be challenging. It’s not just about knowing what you want to write about – you also need to find the right audience. There are many different blog niches out there and it can be hard to figure out which one is right for you. If you’re struggling to figure out […]