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What Makes Blog Content Engaging?
An engaging post is interesting and personal. We need to know what the audience wants and provide them with this – information that is interesting and knowledgeable. We need to know what each individual wants out of the content and cater to their needs. If you know your audience well and you can make your content personal to them, you can begin to build a community of loyal readers.
Improve the Readability of Your Content and Get More Traffic
The readability of your content is a huge factor in its success. If the content is too hard to follow and understand, people will not want to spend time reading it and will simply leave.
Seven Easy Ways to Make Your Content More Readable and Get More Traffic
1. Lead by example, highlight key points of the article right off the bat in a “hook” opening sentence or paragraph that leaves them begging for more!
2. Use short sentences so that the post is easier to read. Ideally, keep your sentences between 10-20 words. Keep it simple, don’t use complicated words or phrases your audience might not be familiar with.
3. Use short paragraphs to break up the content and maintain a consistent voice.
4. Add subheadings to break up your text into smaller paragraphs and establish a hierarchy within the post. Headings and sub-headings outline and organise your writing. They guide the reader through the post and let them know what to expect as they read.
5. Be sure to use bullet points or numbered lists if it fits with your content so that your readers can skim through your article without losing their place or skipping anything important.
6. Break up your text with images to make it less monotonous and boring for the reader. Images can also drive the reader’s attention to key parts of your post.
7. Always include links to other articles within your content so that readers can focus on what they are interested in.
What tips are you going to implement to boost your blog readability and engagement? Keep these tips in mind as you write your new blog posts. It can also be worth looking back at older posts to see if you can identify anywhere where they need to be tweaked and improved using your new knowledge.